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Lowongan Kerja Content Writer Grab Indonesia

- 7 Juta
Logo Grab

Lowongan Kerja Content Writer Grab Indonesia



Jakarta Utara




Fresh Graduate

- 7 Juta

Job description

Saat ini PT Solusi Transportasi Indonesia atau Grab Indonesia yang berlokasi di Palembang, Yogyakarta & Jakarta kembali membuka lowongan kerja bagi lulusan S1 untuk mengisi beragam posisi yang sedang kosong dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut :

Persyaratan : 

Get to know the Role

Like every growing company, Grab is going through a process of showing stakeholders, investors, and users alike, what it does. This is a unique opportunity to shape the story of a high‐growth start-up operating in a dynamic industry, and you will educate global audiences on a multi-faceted product operating effectively in Southeast Asia.

The Day-to-Day Activities

  • Contribute to content creation, in line with Grab’s storytelling direction
  • Grow the Grab body of content assets
  • Strategise and stitch together the many facets of Grab’s business into one narrative
  • Make data-informed decisions about content strategy and distribution
  • Uncover stories about Grab’s people and operations, and come up with story packages to introduce these to the audience
  • Pitch story concepts and story campaigns about industry trends
  • Monitor and watch news trends and connect content ideas with what’s happening

The Must-Haves

  • Strong writing
  • Background in journalism
  • Ability to understand and dissect business reports
  • Strong understanding of technology and industry trends
  • Content creation across various mediums
  • SEO listening and planning
  • Strong news sense and trend spotting
  • Social media distribution and marketing
  • Audience development
  • Wide consumption and familiarity with different media platforms
  • Digital analytics reporting, including GA proficiency

Our Commitment

We are committed to building diverse teams and creating an inclusive workplace that enables all Grabbers to perform at their best, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, religion, age, gender identity or sexual orientation and other attributes that make each Grabber unique.

Cara Melamar :

Bagi anda yang berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi diatas, silahkan kirim lamaran Lowongan Kerja Grab Indonesia Januari 2023 melalui Tombol Kirim Lamaran

Lowongan kerja ini tidak dipungut biaya. Lamaran yang tidak memenuhi kualifikasi diatas tidak akan diproses. Hanya kandidat terbaik yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi tahap selanjutnya.

Tentang Perusahaan




1000+ Karyawan


Jakarta Utara


Expired date : 28 February, 2023

Follow Channel Telegram kami untuk mendapatkan informasi Lowongan Kerja terbaru

Jangan lupa menabung kebaikan dengan membagikan informasi Lowongan Kerja Content Writer Grab Indonesia ke Teman atau Keluarga anda yang membutuhkan dan mencantumkan sebagai referensi informasi Loker anda agar website ini tetap Eksis.

Untuk memposting lowongan pekerjaan, Anda harus mendaftar sebagai Perusahaan.

Apply to Job

Contact info

Work email *
Mobile phone *


Please include a resume
Maximum file size: 5 MB

Additional questions

Have you completed the following level: High School Diploma? *
Will you now or in the future require sponsorship for employment visa status?

Apply to Job

Review your application. The employer will also receive a copy of your profile.

Please select listing to show.

Contact info

Work email:

Mobile phone:



Additional questions

Have you completed the following level: High School Diploma?*

Your answer:

Will you now or in the future require sponsorship for employment visa status?*

Your answer:

Untuk melamar pekerjaan anda harus terdaftar.

Untuk menyimpan lowongan, Anda harus mendaftar sebagai Kandidat.

Untuk menyimpan kandidat, Anda harus mendaftar sebagai Perusahaan.

Lamaran Anda telah dikirimkan!!

Selagi Anda menunggu tanggapan dari perusahaan, Anda dapat memeriksa lowongan pekerjaan lainnya.